
Cursive writing

  • by admin
  • Course level: All Levels
  • Duration 15h
  • Total Enrolled 3
  • Last Update March 24, 2021


In this course you will learn,

Cursive Capital & SmallBlending Words
Two & Three Letter wordsNeatness in writing
Sentences WritingWay of joining Letters
Paragraph WritingUniformity in size & shape

Cursive (also known as script, among other names) is any style of penmanship in which some characters are written joined together in a flowing manner, generally for the purpose of making writing faster, in contrast to block letters. Formal cursive is generally joined, but casual cursive is a combination of joins and pen lifts. The writing style can be further divided as “looped”, “italic” or “connected”. The cursive method is used with many alphabets due to infrequent pen lifting and beliefs that it increases writing speed. In some alphabets, many or all letters in a word are connected, sometimes making a word one single complex stroke. A 2013 study found that cursive does not increase writing speed in French in the Latin alphabet.


Cursive is a style of penmanship in which the symbols of the language are written in a conjoined and/or flowing manner, generally for the purpose of making writing faster. This writing style is distinct from “print-script” using block letters, in which the letters of a word are unconnected and in Roman/Gothic letter-form rather than joined-up script. Not all cursive copybooks join all letters: formal cursive is generally joined, but casual cursive is a combination of joins and pen lifts. In the ArabicSyriacLatin, and Cyrillic alphabets, many or all letters in a word are connected (while other must not), sometimes making a word one single complex stroke. In Hebrew cursive and Roman cursive, the letters are not connected.

Topics for this course


Lesson 2: Two and Three letter words

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